Monday, July 18, 2005

PBS:Emerging Church Pt. 2

Hey guys!

I noticed that part 2 of the Emerging Church on PBS has been posted. If your interested just click on the title.

Ok, I just watched this video. I'm glad that McLaren says he doesn't speak for all of us. :P I hate to even think about the Emerging Chruch being an insitution, which I know it will at some point, but it was disappionting hearing McLaren promote it that way too. What I did like was him pointing out how we used the bible as a dictionary for morals. Find whatever moral think you think is bad or not bad, pick a verse and decide. Excellent point.

I guess after watching I felt I was still on the organic trail of this and wanting to keep as far away from anything "formal" as possible. I guess its the hybrid in me. HA

1 comment:

Sodacoaster said...

This was the perfect piece to fit into the puzzle of my thinking - helped me alot.