Thursday, July 07, 2005

Big Brother

I'm so excited Big Brother has begun! Its the one thing I look forward to durning the summer. Alot of people don't care for this show, but I think it is great. The social experiment is amazing to me. This year one of the twist or maybe the twist is that each Big Brother contestant is teamed up with another Big Brother contestant. They can be best friends, siblings, SO's, ect. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I will never forget last season when Micheal and Jennifer found out they were brother and sister. What an emotional moment. I don't know if they can top that , but I look forward to the new experiment and see what happens. Anyone else a fan?


gerbmom said...

I can't believe you watch Big Brother! It is my summer time vice. (Don't tell.....) Carissa even stayed home tonight to watch it.......
ps I sent you an email about today. Thanks for praying!

Jewels said...

Yippee! Another fan! :)

I answered your e-mail, did you get it?

Jewels said...

oops! I guess you did! LOL

Blake Kennedy said...

I question the tastes of both of you.

Jewels said...

its ok, we question the taste of you as well. ;) don't we Karen? :P

gerbmom said...

Ummmmmmmm - I've been in enough trouble this week - leave me out of this one! :D
(Guess that means Blake doesn't watch BB with you. eh?)

Jewels said...

No Karen he does not. He resents that he married a women who is reality show junkie, although I don't just watch any reality show. :P