Monday, July 11, 2005


Hey guys!

Y'all really need to watch this. If some of you are still in the dark about the Emergent Church please watch this video. I think it is very informative. It does make my heart ache though. I want to find this in my area so much. I would love to find some christians who are activley seeking this out as much as me. I fear in my area there is no one looking for a faith journey outside of the ordinary and having true community. ARGH, more frusteration. LOL


Sodacoaster said...


This was a very eye opening video for me. I wasn't aware that this "movement" was happening. I couldn't think of a better word than movement (i know they didn't like that word).

I can see where it would start conflict in leaning toward relativism. However, I am thinking that the relativism is mostly perceived. Are the leaders saying that the Bible isn't true? I never heard that. What i did hear was that they are allowing people to ask questions and to discuss things rather than just saying, "This is the way it is, now sit back down in your pew!"

God and the Bible will never change, but the ways in which we learn about them and come to understand the Truth can change. I think that people are afraid of that.


Jewels said...

Hey Rachel! :)
if you are interested in learning more about the Emerging Church you can go to the "blogshere" links there. all of those "bloggers" are from the emerging church. you could also look up or google the Emerging Church. you could also go to TheOOZE. Alot of us there are PoMos/EC so alot of discussion does go around that. Although I think you are on the organic trail to it by way of Brooks. there are now a ton of books about this. one of my faves is "Blue Like Jazz", I suggest that one before reading anything else, because its about one persons journey and I think helps give a good overall look.
I think because the EC isn't something people can pin down that is why you get alot of "they don't beleive the bible is true", ect. Yes you can find some of those people, yes you can find some that lean towards open theism, but there are also people within the conversation (this is better than movement, I think) that look at the bible through a different lens, they don't look at it and think "thus saith the Lord" and that is all we need to know. no they look through a lens that realizes we cannot know everything, we can look at the bible and know the themes but there is much we cannot no nor can we completly stand on. I'm not sure if that makes sense. here is a less wordy way of putting it, we can know there is a God absotly, but we cannot know Him absoutly. we also need to understand we have put a western lens on looking at the bible. I also like the fact of getting back to interrpeting the bible in community. anyway, there is alot of stuff there. you might benefit from it from what you have shared so far, I think you are on that path, you just didn't know there was a conversation going on about it. anyway, start something on Brooks' site I would gladly join in, I know my husband would and I know that ZionRed actually attends an "offspring" of Chris Seay's church and right now the name of it is slipping from me. anyway, I'm sure we could have some good converastion or I think we would. :)

Shauna said...

Hey, my name is Shauna, and I just found your blog through Blogs Canada. Another good link is Its a Canadian site, and they have a yahoo group to connect with other post-modern Christian's. Blessings. ~Shauna

Jewels said...

Hey Shauna!

Yeah, Jordan Cooper, right? I tried to get invovled with it when they had the chat room, I can't remember the place. Anyway, thanks for sharing this. I think that is very helpful. :)

Thanks for stopping by as well. :) I will check out your stuff. :) btw: I love your profile. I think I could say the same thing.

Oh and your from Hamilton! Not too far from me. :)


Shauna said...

Yeah, Resonate was set up by Jordon Cooper, and a few others. One of them is the pastor of a church I used to attend, Pernell Goodyear.

Great thing about Hamilton is there are actually alot of churches that are part of the post-modern movement.

Which are do you live? You can email me if you like. My email is in my profile. I will pop by again soon.


Jewels said...

I have noticed that about Hamilton. I'm in Guelph. As far as I know there is nothing! :P