Monday, May 23, 2005

Promoting The Myth


Blake has an entry on his blog called "Church Futures", you can link to it by pressing the title of this entry. In his comments someone said this:


I have sometimes heard people make disparaging remarks about my wife. I use the word disparaging because they are not always completely false, but they still are not encouraging. Thankfully, I was the one who heard them and not my wife. But every time something like that happens, I can't begin to tell you how it makes me feel. Both angry (because they don't see who my wife really is) and sad (because they don't see who my wife really is).

Now I'm not saying there aren't things that are wrong about the assemblies (the ones you attend or anyone's). But how do you think it makes Jesus feel to hear the words you spoke about His wife...?
This comment sent chills down my spin. It even made phyisically ill. The reason it did was because it furthered the myth. It furthered lies, it furthered mistrust!

Here is the deal, Christ was always truthful with His bride and still is. I cannot think of a time in the bible where Jesus over looked a sin or wrong doing by His bride. Why is that we think we must be the "see no evil, hear no evil,speak no evil"? Why is that we must protect bad behavior at all costs just because we think it isn't WWJD?

I wonder if the prophets of old were treated the same way? The Israelites not wanting to hear the bad, stuffed their ears, put blindfolds on, and covered their mouths, they lived in a perfect myth and condemned the prophets for ever speaking a word.

Listen, the church is in danger. The buildings and the business of church no longer works and I'm not sure it ever did. It has hurt people, it has destroyed people, and it has left people like Blake and I on a fringe. The growing amount of people like us are not small. They are large. People like the person who left this comment can continue to be in their own world, but soon our numbers will grow into their world and there will not be any hiding behind a false God and a false character of Christ.

I hope this entry makes sense. I'm finding myself having problems expressing the words of the angry, disillusionment, and utter physical sickness I feel from those comments.


Anonymous said...

Jewels, for those of us who have been raised in a certain denomination (which will remain unnamed in this comment), these strangling spirits are a dime a dozen. My hope is that God will continue to raise you and Blake as missionaries and trailblazers to others struggling in that denomination. Don't be fooled by mudpie-makers.

Jewels said...

mudpies! I love it! thanks for sharing Brooks. my husband and I have enjoyed your blog and your thoughts on his as well. :)
