Tuesday, May 17, 2005

New Look


I decided I needed a new look. I have been adding some stuff to my blog and the old setting wasn't letting me do some changes I wanted to do to make things look better. So I moved to another look and I hope y'all like it! :)

Blake has bought us D.A. Carson's new book on the Emergent Church, I'm not sure when that will be in, but when it is he and I will have stuff to say. Let's see how much we differ! LOL

The Spoiling Of Angelus

Today Blake and I continued the spoiling of our first child. ;) He is now in a nice 10 gallon tank, with cool new plants, cool new filter, heater, and cool bell to hide in and play with. Our 3 gallon tank turned into a stink tank. It was not a fun experience for us and I'm sure it was not fun for Angelus either. So off we went to Petcetra to exchange his tank and out we walked with a better tank at a better price than the first tank. SWEET! Right now from what I know he is trying to get used to his new environment with all its new bells and whistles. Blake told me the new filter is making life a little hard for Angelus, it causes a larger current and can't seem to swim around as well. I guess I will see when I get home what happened to our lil' fella.
I have to admit I'm really enjoying our fish. He has a cute chacarter. He also loves us and when he sees us will come striaght up to the tank to look at us. I thought it was just me, but I found out from a betta expert that they do learn who you are and endear themselves to you. :) So I'm not some crazy fish owner, well not yet at least! ;) LOL

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