Monday, May 30, 2005


*edit* I have taken the comments off this entry and the other one as well. I want my things here to be a discussion and I never want to hear anyone who reads my blog to think they need to debate! This was never for debate purpose or to prove a point. I was about talking about the themes I shared in those post. I regrett that did not happen. My apolgies to the people who read my blog. I pray you forgive my actions of today! Blessings- Jewels!
*edit 2* I have put the comments back on this entry. Rick shared some thouhts on Blake's blog and I thought that voice needed to be added. I have deleted everything else, with exception of Karen's and my reply to her. I will delete anything mentioning Shawn and his web site. You can feel free to e-mail any thoughts about the web site (you will find my e-mail in my profile), but my blog is not or will be a place for Shawn Cuthill stuff. The reason I posted my replies from that web site was to have a discussion on the body of Christ, not to discuss what has happened there. Thank you! Jewels

I want to post this here as to answer some questions. again, posted from

What's Intellectualism?
from and says it was better then me:
in·tel·lec·tu·al·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ntl-kch--lzm)
Exercise or application of the intellect.
Devotion to exercise or development of the intellect.

an·ti-in·tel·lec·tu·al (nt-ntl-kch-l, nt-)
Opposed or hostile to intellectuals or intellectual views.

it was said I said this board was anti-intellectual, I did not. I do say there is alot here and I do believe the admin to support it as such as his post states here. if my comments looked as though I was claiming a whole board to be I am sorry, I didn't mean to pull out my wide brush.

I will say this, why is that we are opposed to intellects in our churches? If I came into a room and said to you: "I'm going to be doing your lung transplant today" and you knowing me know I am not a doctor so you ask, "Oh, when did you become a docter?" and I answered, "well I read about it, so I feel knowledgable about the process. I'm really hyped you will be my first one" would you not dismiss me and ask for a real doctor? what about your car? you see we accept professionals or professional intellects (for lack of a better way of putting it I fear) into our lives dialy, we accept them, but in the churches we do not. I find this interesting in the light of we are to be a body of Christ. how can the hand tell the foot what to do? is the hand the foot? no, we are to work together. God gave us men with talents and passion for knowing him, intellects, God knew we would need them. These men are mostly pastors (elders), teachers,ect. Heck He even gives us women with those talents as well. So, He uses them for the edification and the EDUCATION of the body. How can me, who is a singer and an exhorter tell a pastor, teacher what a greek word is? That isn't my talent! How can a pastor who has been blessed with a passion and the gift of being an intellect tell me how to exhort or to sing? He can't that might not be his talent! Church, wake up! Hear Him! YOUR ARE THE BODY!!! Being an intellect is no more biblical than being a ditch digger. But using your talents and gifts for God is! Why do we refuse this in the body of Christ?
I leave with these words from Casting Crowns:
If We Are The Body
It's crowded in worship today
As she slips in trying to fade into the faces
The girls teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
Farther than they know

But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way

A traveler is far away from home
He sheds his coat and quietly sinks into the back row
The weight of their judgmental glances
Tells him that his chances are better out on the road

Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the body of Christ

Jesus is the way

(c) 2003 Club Zoo Music / SWEC Music (Admin. by Club Zoo Music) / BMI. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Blake has felt like that latter man here and in Brethren churches. He is a testimony that anti-intellectualism is in the Brethren churches and here.

guys we all have our part! we MUST learn to use our talents and gifts to walk together, in tanduem! if we do not we are unuseable. when we tell ourselves, our youth, to not listen to a certian part of the body we are losing! you cannot tell someone how to post or talk or how to be. you can correct thier bad behavior, but sharing the talent God gave them is not. We again, need to learn to ask questions, research yourself after that, ask more questions, crack open the word again, ask more questions again! Church this is too important! We must learn this! anyway, read the song and ask yourself, if we are the body, why....

When will we start discussing our arrogance agianst God in the form of being against each other in the body? People are watching daily. God is watching. I picture Him on His thrown watching in anticapation, wanting His body, His representation to start working as a moving unit. Accepting each other's gifts and talents. When will we church? We won't be perfect, but when church?


gerbmom said...

Not here to debate - just wanted to say I am a huge Casting Crowns fan. We saw them in concert last fall, and it was the best concert I have ever been to! Actually it was the All Things New Tour with Steven Curtis Chapman and Chris Tomlin. :) If We Are The Body is such a convicting song, and one we would all do well to remember. If ya wanna read the lyrics to another hard hitting song, try My Jesus. The words are on my blog :)

Jewels said...

oh, gosh, see I don't want a debate. *sigh* I hate what this was turned into. :( I really do. I'm so sad about it.

anyway, I will check out My Jesus, who is it sung by?

Jewels said...

Ok, as per another request I have put comments back up. I have deleted all the other comments though expect for Karen's and my reply to her. Rick I'm going to post your comment on Blake's blog here. :)

Jewels said...

Hey Blake,

Hope you don't mind my resurecting this're wife's recent blog sparked these thoughts...and silly Jewels isn't allowing comments.

I think the main objection to intellectuals is the use of their intellect to put others down or make them feel like the Spirit doesn't speak through them because they're not as smart.

When I'm not secure in God's acceptance and worth as His child, I sometimes seek worth/acceptance by making others feel inferior by trumping out some 'superior' knowledge.

I think the goal of all intellectuals is to make the complex, simple.

That is their gift to the body.

Too many times intellectuals make the complex even morso...and it makes those with less intellect think they can never understand.

gerbmom said...

My Jesus is on Todd Agnew's new CD to beleased this summer....

Jewels said...

yeah I was thinking about that I should say you the writer was. :P Since I linked it back to you I though people would see it! LOL

Anonymous said...


I just wanted you to know that I have always appreciated your heart, I don't know all the details of what the other website and stuff is about but I do know your heart is of a peace maker and a bridge builder.


Jewels said...

thanks Andrew! :)

now I'm confused, is this Windblown or Andrew J. LOL too many Andrew's! HA

either way, the words you have shared mean alot because I know you took the time to hear me. :)

Anonymous said...

So now how do you want me to id myself as WB or Andrew?

Jewels said...

LOL, know what Andrew J. puts the URL to his blog, so that will make me know which is which. I will just put that in my memory bank. y'all both put comments in around the same time so I was thrown a bit. LOL

Andrew, my dear brother, I have missed you!!!! if I could hug your neck I would. I have paged you back, btw. :)