Thursday, May 19, 2005

Hey See My Fist?

I'm so ticked off with the people I have to work with at night! I wonder how they live outside of here. Honestly, I'm so ticked off at them right now that I could show them a real close up of my fist.
I asked one of my workers to call a member because we needed to verify his location. The tower said the address wasn't right and we needed to confirm it. He then proceeds to tell me that I didn't give all the information. I then said again, 'please call the member and confirm the address". At this point I would think since I added 'please' he would have gladly done so, but no, he then tells me the same thing again. We went in the same circle a couple of more times until I raised my voice and said, "PLEASE, just call the member!" Only then did he call. I couldn't beleive it and still can't. Heck I'm so miffed about it I'm blogging about it! Sorry to such crap with you! LOL

Moving On

Y'all need to check out tallskinnykiwi's blog! There is an interesting entery about Fundementalist and Liberals. So check it out.

1 comment:

gerbmom said...

Hey Jewels
I had a day like that at work today too. Angry, frustrated,undermined, and at the brink of losing it....people can be so dag gone hard to work with! ;)
I actually had to leave the building for awhile to get myself in an appropriate state of mind to finish out the day............
Here's to hoping tomorrow is a better day!
