Wednesday, May 18, 2005

My Fear

Picture from Spirituality And Health

Here is my fear with Postmodernism and the Emerging Church, that too many people are letting go of their faith. Some like to think they have entered the question, but I see something else. I see deception. What do I mean by that? I mean that they have adopted Postmodernism in the sense that it neglects the essence of the bible and of God's character.
I have noticed a lot of discussion happening where instead of reading God's word, thinking upon it, looking outside for God's character that it has become about, "well, I read that the bible says this, but MY opinion is......" Then on top of that dismiss scholars if it does not align with their opinion. And what they see as a "faith crisis" is actually a spiritual crisis. You see I believe fully in spiritual warfare. I believe it is all around us. I believe that just like modernism, that satan can use postmodernism and the EC to lead people down another path. The path may look like God's path, but it is not. And satan has done a wonderful job of masking something that looks like a "crisis in faith" but at the end of the day it was something far more deeper. We fall for it because it looks like God and in our opinion this is how God would be.

But let me also speak on the other hand. On the other hand I have seen that people who are truly entering a mystery, truly entering into something they never knew, taking God with them and allowing faith to get them through what cannot be explained in human thought. I am more comfortable around people who don't rely on history of "this is biblical", but that rely on what "I don't know, let's find out". I am more comfortable with people opening their eyes and seeing the Postmodern environment that is slowly moving closer to us and letting God reveal himself through that environment. This to me is a "crisis in faith". It takes more faith to rely on the character of God than to readjust him to what we cannot handle.

I hope that as the growth in the EC and in the Postmodern environment we find ourselves more having a true "crisis in faith" instead of finding ourselves in a spiritual deception or a "spiritual crisis". And with that we tread lightly on the things we do not know and let faith truly be in the places where God can define us instead of us defining him.


gerbmom said...

Wow Jewels,
I totally agree. I really hear what you are saying and that is a concern I have also. There is a fine line here isn't there? But where I am at right now is in a place where I am truly listening to God and relying on Him like I never have in my life. And letting Him guide me as I learn to think in new ways, but still seek to live in His truth. Thanks for your post!


Jewels said...

Hey Karen!

thanks for stopping by! :)
anyway, it is a fine line and this is where we must keep ourselves in a faith community so that we can interpret the word together.
what I have found the difference is the adopting of postmodern philosphy than to living in a postmodern world. because I live in a more and more postmodern world I notice how my thinking upon scripture and things around me are changing. which is why I'm glad for the EC and the influence of postmodern thought, but I have also had to acknowledge being a follower of Christ my whole epistemology cannot be based around postmodernism.
I hope that makes sense! :P
and I'm with you as well. its nice for once to be in the grey instead of the black and white, although sometimes I do desire some of it here and there! LOL