Thursday, June 30, 2005

Life In A Box

I think we live or at least I live my spiritual life way too much in a box. We (including myself in "we") then have the gull to ask God to work inside that box. So life in the box has to always meet the standards we have made our box to be. No exceptions. We sometimes change our box, we had a new look to it, some neat dice, some new couches, we even may change some "rules" some just surface stuff, but sometimes it is deeper than that, all the while though we are still in a box. We still expect God to make Himself comfortable in there as well.

But I wonder if we allow ourselves to break out of that box? I know I have slowly been breaking out of each one, trying to not claim one stage of my life and the absolute or the final answer. What if we allow God to help us break through? One thing I have learned as of late is the willingness to stay in these boxes, even if I do redecorate the box all I'm doing is staying in the same place. I'm not allowing myself to go on a journey with God. I'm not allowing full growth.

Same with our church communities, but this is a larger box. We come in our individual boxes and all sit together, not confronting each other, just gathering. To that we will sometimes change the look of that gathering, again just changing the environment inside the box, but staying in the same place. Our communities aren't breaking out of any boxes but just staying in the same place. We are not helping ourselves in our communities if allow this to stay the same and never change. Not only will we become stagnet (at best), but each church community will at some point wither and die.

How does this begin? I cannot speak for the church community and how this begins. At this point I'm not exactly thinking that the church community will accomplish this. On a personal side, it is a complete surrender and honesty. Its a complet fall out with God. Meaning you stop defining your journey, instead you allow God to define it. Its realizing you are in a box and that you have made it, not God. You will see change. Some of it radical, some of it not so radical, but you will shake your world. I find this place a hard place, as most of my blog can attest, but I think it is worth the fall.

Maybe this entry is more for myself to remind myself the journey and the importace of it, but I would like to think I'm a voice in the desert that might be calling to others. I pray I help move people out of the norm.

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