Saturday, June 04, 2005

I Am...

Cordelia Chase! Blake gave me this quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it would be what I would say, but with more words I'm sure. LOL

Giles: Cordelia, have you actually ever heard of tact?
Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass.

touché. It is what I would say for sure. I don't have time for pretense. I would rather be honest and up front with people. I don't have time for games, I used to. I used to play games and I just don't any more. I'm going to tell you what I think and the truth. Although I could flower it up some I find that I, like Cordelia, pass it up. For better or worse at least you know where I'm coming from and at least you know I'm not hiding behind something.

Concert Tonight

So tonight is the night. Alot is going on in my head. There are two songs that I do struggle with so I'm praying for God's grace tonight, that I get the notes and rythem down. I realize learning by hearing has hurt me with these two songs. I think I may have to take some kindof music lesson. I would like to learn notes, ect. Something to look into, I think it would improve my performance and learning curve alot better. I have natural talent, by all pretense, but I don't have the fundementals of it, which I'm now seeing the importance. Anyway, I'm excited, nervous, all those feeling before you do a public deal. LOL

I hope y'all have a blessed weekend!


Jewels said...

Cool! :) something more in common. I'm a huge Buffy and Angel fan. :)

Thanks for the luck. I will update tomorrow on how things went. :)

John said...

i hear you were fabulous!!!