Thursday, January 29, 2004

Point of Interest

I'm in an e-mail chat for the past month. Its been really cool. I don't know how it all came down but we found a point of interest and it has continued. I have to say it has been a streching experience. This person truly has some deep questions and doesn't want to mess around. I like that. They aren't playing and toying with God. They are stripping away all the junk. Although they may identify themselves as "Postmodern" its different. I don't know how to explain it, I see their heart for God, instead of their heart for verbalizing and being "Postmodern". Its refreshing.

One of the questions that we have been lobbing back and forth has been God's will. How do we know what God's will is? Do we let other people try and impress their will on us, all the while saying its God's will? Although for you this maybe simple, but you get someone like this person asking these questions and you soon realize, it isn't that simple. I think the best thing that has come from these e-mails is the tearing down of my masks and the tearing down of my "super spirituality". Understand I'm passionate about God, but I can easily get on my soap box and just stay there and not walk along people.

I'm glad this person found a point of interest with me. Its been awesome! :)

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