Wednesday, March 22, 2006

From The Desk of The South

I'm on vaccation. I'm in Kennett, MO, home of Shreyl Crow. ;) LOL Anyway, just letting y'all know where I'm at if you don't hear from me. I know some have sent me some e-mails and since my parents are on the accient "dial-up" my internet time is short because I just can't take it. LOL

Couple of thoughts and when I get home I will follow up on them....

1. I feel sorry for out kids in church. I don't think they will ever know what to do with God or their faith in the simple places.

2. Racism and mild stupidity is alive and well in the South. I think I've lived in Canada for so long I thought this didn't exist.

Hope all is well.


Anonymous said...

there are no stupid candians??????!!!!!!!!!!!!


have a great vacation! ann

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the approach to kids. Was just reading some survey by Josh McDowell or some connection of his, and has a book about The Last Christian generation.

I think it's institutionalization of the church [the comfortable pew, huh?] that makes it just another niche or whatever.

Yet, there are swaths of young people who are also going very much the Christian route -- seems to be ones that were taken seriously by elders and so on and not fed on SOLELY 'youth programs,' although I'm not saying anything about something for youth's benefit being wrong or something -- just that 'programs' and 'leaders' sometimes rely on slogans and a one size fits all idea and such rather than on regular reality or such.

The Christian life is hard [even given all the sublimities -- certainly there are the most sublime alleluia moments, the most profound stirrings] -- a " I'm a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N" approach prepares for only one minuscule part of it, eh? Sure, the choruses are great, and I wouldn't deny that, but people have to have the idea that it won't be a shoo-in, the life lived, eh?

It seems that we hear more about the obvious victories -- the lion's den, Goliath -- which is great, but hear less about the struggles in which David, the same person as the one in the Goliath story, waters his bed with his tears. The horrible intrigues. We look back and we prefer to see the victories -- and they were victories -- but there was an awful lot of living that was difficult. Paul amongst people who lied about him, or who were false brothers or such. Stuff like that.

Hearing all the nice Bible stories was nice, as I recall, but some people were kind enough to suggest that a shoo-in was not at all to be expected. They gave us Pilgrim's Progress at age six or so, for example, on flannelgraph.

SOme of the biblical content aimed at kids tends to take a completely lite delite approach, or a simplistic one, eh?

Enjoy your vac.


Anonymous said...

when ya comin' back on line?

hope you are having a wonderful time! – ann