Saturday, November 15, 2003

Well it has been along time since my last post. Alot has been going on. I don't really know what to say but I'm trying to travel the best I can.

Something I never thought was that I was so transparent. I never thought people could see my loneliness. I thought I had hid it well. I guess not. I am lonely. I don't have many people here who understand me. I don't think they get where I'm coming from. To be honest, I don't get them. I really don't. I just know that my life is God's and I desire it to be completly His. I know I'm not perfect. I know that I have my problems but it would be so awesome to be around people who's heart was the same as mine. Being unperfect before God and others. Allowing God to be perfect in them. My Dad said something awesome once, "I don't come here (community of Christ) because I'm perfect, I come here to meet the One who can perfect me." How awesome is that. I come to the Community of Christ because I'm seeking God's perfection and I'm needing people along with me in the journey. I pray some how I will get that. I pray that I will find that here, in anyway I can get it.

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