Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Real quick. I'm so tired of the homosexual issue. I'm so tired as a christian who believes homosexuality is a sin that I should repent of it, ect. Why is it that we are fine with calling other things sin but can't live with the fact that homosexuality is. By calling it a sin does not mean that God does not love the homosexual. It does not mean that homosexuals are going to burn in the firy gates of hell. It means they are struggling along just like I am and must repent just like me. What is so difficult about that? What is so out there about that. If God has called me to go on and sin no more why is that homosexuals are called to something different? Just asking because anyone who supports "homosexual christanity" will not or won't answer these questions. Just wanting to vent. I'm at a message board where my thoughts can't be truely expressed. Thought this would be safe seeing how it is MY PLAYGROUND! ;)

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